Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tour Day 8: Tarcoles: Final Day


Today was the last day of our tour! I am feeling very sad to end this experience and return to Whitworth tomorrow morning. Rolando told us that he is feeling nostalgic also, claiming he has to set us free like little birds, and he can no longer tell us where to eat, sit, and throw the toilet paper (sometimes it goes in the garbage can).

The first activity of the day was to drive to a restaurant called Tres Hermanas, or Three Sisters, for a pit stop on our way to Tarcoles. There, my parents and I enjoyed ice cream from a popular shop called Pops, and viewed the giant statues on display. There was a statue of a bull that is rumored to make a person pregnant if they touch it in a specific place. The man below (yes, from our group) was clearly unaware that. 

                 (Above: giant gorilla statue)

  (Above: legend has it that this man has now increased his chances of becoming pregnant)

We then continued our trip towards Tarcoles! The drive was beautiful, as per standard. 

After a few hours we stopped for lunch, which I opted out of after the feast we had for breakfast in addition to the ice cream. Before we loaded back on the bus, a few local dancers performed for us. I did not like this. I was front and center in the audience, and I felt very uncomfortable. Who was I supposed to look at? I tried to quickly weigh the pros and cons of which scantily-dressed person I should watch jumping around. I discovered that no matter who I looked at, they would stare back right into my eyes, which made me feel even more uncomfortable! I watched with envy as many people in the back or outer edges of the seating arrangement would sneak out (including Rolando, our guide), but as I was in the front of the group, there was no way I could join them. So, I ended up becoming intently focused on scratching my bug bites while making an effort to think of a happy place. Even so, it was a scarring experience.

                        (Above: the dancers in their most modest outfits)

We then reached Tarcoles! Whereas the trip I took with my classmates was more of a crocodile-watching tour, this time it was more of a nature trip, which was equally great in its own way. We saw many small crocodiles, lizards, iguanas, and different species of birds. Not to mention the stunningly beautiful scenery!

              (Above: a baby crocodile)

                   (Above: an iguana)

We returned to the hotel, ate a delicious farewell dinner, and said our goodbyes. I can't believe the tour has come to an end already! I'm very sad to see my parents and new friends leave. This trip will be a memory I remember forever, and it was so great to share my new home country with my parents. Tomorrow I will return to my host family, and continue in my pursuit to learn more Spanish. Pura vida!

                                      (Above: our group)

                       (Above: my parents, Rolando, and me)

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