Monday, July 15, 2013

Tour Day 7: Guanacaste


Today we had the day off, and we were able to enjoy our amazing hotel in Guanacaste. We played and hiked on the beach, swam in the infiniti pool, ate, drank at ecstatic hour (superior to happy hour, because the drinks were free!), and even went zip lining! It was the ultimate "tranquila" day.

In the morning my mom and I woke up and spontaneously decided to go zip lining. It was incredible! Our group consisted of a family from New York of around 20 people, who were all hilarious. I especially enjoyed talking to the extremely loud-mouthed father, because he would laugh at whatever I said. My favorite part was listening to the little boy, who was making a huge attempt to be funny like his father. When someone asked him how old he was, he exclaimed with a wink, "I'm 13, but by the pool I'm 14." 

We zip lined forward, backward, upside down, spinning, and many other accidental ways. It was fun being able to speak to the guides in Spanish, since nobody else in this particular group could understand our conversations. One time, when the loud-mouthed man asked why he kept stopping before the platform, the guide smiled at him and told him it was random. He then proceeded to tell me in Spanish that it was because he was very fat. That little sidebar was perhaps my favorite part of the whole experience. 

When we returned back to the hotel, my dad and I ordered free piña coladas, while my mom enjoyed a stiff bottled water. We then proceeded to sprawl out by the pool, swim, and read for the rest of the day (I am reading a great book on Oscar Romero, who was a Latin American theologian who promoted peace in times of injustice and war before he was brutally assassinated. I recommend it to anyone looking to learn a little something about Latin American history). 

Great company, scenery, food, and piña coladas all made for a wonderful and "tranquila" day!

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