Thursday, June 27, 2013

"How 'Bout Those Dead Animals?"

Today my class took a field trip to a local University, "UNA." I became very excited to learn that we were visiting the veterinary branch of the UNA, because I love animals and was happy to be in a place with my people. My good mood quickly took a left turn, however, when I stepped into the building and was hit with the smell of death.

(Above: My class and I obliviously happy before the tour)

I quickly put my observations together-- the dissection labs/ surgery rooms/ etc. became a slap-in-the-face reality that this field trip was not going to consist of playing with puppies. It became more of a reality when our guide took us into the first room, which just so happened to be the dissection room. The room consisted of a horse skeleton and many covered-up lumps. I tried not to put too much thought into the lumps (making an effort to ignore one dangling tail), until our guide walked over and nonchalantly removed one of the towels to reveal a partially dissected dog. At that point I made a quick and quiet exit, and very calmly and placidly decided to sit outside with my head between my legs.

That was only the first room.

We toured the entire vet school. I should clarify, my class full of kinesiology majors observed the school, while I, a marketing major, sat outside in a blissful oblivion reading the Nicholas Sparks book I borrowed from the CRC library. Sometimes when I would hear an abundance of oos and ahhs I would glance over at my teacher, who would usually give me a quick head shake-- a signal easily understood that I should stay seated on the bench. One notable moment was when our guide revealed a jar consisting of a two-headed calf (below). This is a picture borrowed from a classmate, as I was reading outside in fresh air. 

All in all, this trip was a great experience in that it reinforced my decision to declare a marketing major. I greatly respect veterinarians and covet their ability to help animals in need, however I have realized that this is one profession I am not going to pursue. 

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