Sunday, August 11, 2013

My birthday!

A few weeks ago was my 21st birthday (July 29). The 21st birthdays I have witnessed in the United States have generally involved the partiers running around to various bars drinking a myriad of colorful drinks until the newly-21-year-old person is in near-death condition by the immense sugar and alcohol consumption, followed by two or three days of bed-rest. My celebration, however, was a little more "tranquila," the pace I prefer.

The day before my birthday, Sunday, I told Hilda that I would be turning 21 the next day. I was conflicted because I didn't want her to go out of her way to prepare anything special, but I also felt almost rude not telling her. So I nonchalantly let it slip that tomorrow would be my birthday. Immediately after hearing the news, she started singing "Happy baby to you" in English. I told her the word was "birthday," not "baby," to which she replied with a wink that she knew. I am not sure what to think of that; I think she was trying to tell me that I am still young like a baby.

The next day I was 21. At school, the assistants surprised me with a pastry at lunch, in addition to a happy birthday song in both Spanish and, as an additional present to me, English.

After school my friends Melissa, Niko, Ben, Christa, in addition to a Tican whose name I now forget took me out to dinner. We feasted on steak, sausage, avocado, and all passed around and took bites out of a cheese quesadilla-- college style.

My family had to wait a few days to celebrate, because of Manuel's work schedule. He finally had a day off on Thursday, so we had a little dinner party. My friends Ben, Niko, and Melissa came over to join in the festivities. Hilda repeatedly told me to be home at 5:30 sharp for dinner, so my friends and I rushed home to make sure we were on time. Hilda, however, was about two hours late and arrived around 7:30. These two extra hours were kind of a blessing in disguise; although I felt bad for keeping my friends who had homework/families/etc, it was fun being "home alone" with no parents. We chatted and ate cookies until finally, evidenced by Peter's maniac barking, they arrived home. Johan, as per standard, made a b-line to his room, Mila said a quick "!Feliz cumpleanos!" before going straight to her room, and then it was just my friends and my host parents! Our neighbors, Silvia and Antonio, came over and the celebration began.

While Hilda made dinner, Manuel invited us to play foosball. As I am recovering from a wrist injury, I chose to referee while Melissa and Manuel played against Ben and Niko. Unbelievably, something I have never seen or even thought was possible, Ben and Niko beat Manuel's team! There must have been some crazy birthday magic happening in that room.

We ate soup for dinner, and birthday cake for dessert. After we finished our iced tea (my drink request), Hilda brought out two bottles of tequila, which we shrugged and accepted with a "when in Costa Rica" attitude. After we finished the first bottle (which Manuel played a major part in), Hilda held it up to reveal a worm floating in the liquid. My friends and I almost died of laughter-- no, seriously-- before Hilda revealed that it was worm tequila from Mexico, and it's an expensive treat. With the knowledge that the worm was supposed to be there, we settled down. Manuel proceeded to drink the worm, possibly for good luck, possibly for fun. We proceeded to sing karaoke to end the night.

What an incredible birthday! I'm feeling so lucky to have had the opportunity to spend the day(s) with friends and family. Living in Costa Rica was a great way to start off my new age. Pura vida.